Here is where you can read all of the Doraemon's manga online (that we currently have access to!) These all link offsite, so click with caution and hopefully an adblocker!
Note: A lot of volumes are missing, most notably the entirety of the Robot Training School series, Volume 2 of Dora Encyclopedia, the manga adaptations of the 3DO game and Dorapin's movie, the comic adaptations of several specials, the guide to the Game Comics, Doki Doki Quiz Land, and any manga we aren't aware of as well as any translations that haven't been uploaded online. New volumes will be added as their scans are found.
Game Comics Vol 2
ChineseGame Comics Vol 3
ChineseGame Comics Vol 4
ChineseGame Comics Vol 5
ChineseGame Comics Vol 6
ChineseSpecial Vol 7
ChineseSpecial Vol 8
ChineseSpecial Vol 9
ChineseSpecial Vol 10
ChineseSpecial Vol 11
ChineseSpecial Vol 12
ChineseDorapin Movie
(Comic Adaptation)
Wildcat Engine
(Comic Adaptation)
The Latest Doraemon
Secret Encyclopedia Vol 1